Prof., Dr.Sci.(Med.)
Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Laureate of the R.E. Kavetsky Award of NAS of Ukraine
Head of the Department of Oncohematology
Tel +38 (044) 257-90-53
Research Interests
- Research into polypotent hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells, cells of the microenvironment at different stages of embryonic and postnatal human and animal ontogenesis
- leukemia, diagnosis, immunocytochemistry, stem cells, aftermath of the Chernobyl accident
- Studies
Main research areas
- Research into polypotent hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells, cells of the microenvironment at different stages of embryonic and postnatal human and animal ontogenesis
- Cytochemical reactions, identification of the activity of enzymes associated with the metabolism of nucleic acids
- Imunocytochemical methods for determining the line-specific and differentiation-related antigens of hematopoietic and lymphoid cells directly in smears of blood, bone marrow, fine punctate of lymph nodes and tumors
Prof. D.F. Gluzman developed and modified cytochemical reactions to determine the activity of enzymes associated with the metabolism of nucleic acids, first used immunocytochemical methods to identify line-specific and differentiation antigens of hematopoietic and lymphoid cells directly in blood smears, bone marrow, fine punctate of lymph nodes and tumors.
A series of microscopic studies was done to investigate lectin receptors differing in carbohydrate specificity in the process of maturation of hematopoietic cells of various origins. Biotinylated neoglicoprotein probes were used to conduct pioneering studies of endogenous lectins in normal and leukemic hematopoietic and lymphoid cells.
Prof. D.F. Gluzman was the first to microscopically study enzymochemical and immunophenotypic characteristics of stem leukemic cells in various forms of neoplastic diseases of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. The theoretical foundations and general principles of using cytochemical and cytogenetic immunocytochemical markers in the diagnosis of various forms of leukemia and malignant lymphoma were developed.
Prof. D.F. Gluzman was the first to develop and apply methods for identification of micrometastases and tumor cells isolated from bone marrow, lymph nodes, fluid from serous cavities and cerebrospinal fluid by applying immunocytochemical techniques and monoclonal antibodies against organ- and tissue specific, oncophetal, tumor-associated antigens, cytoskeletal proteins. Significant amendments were introduced in the current scheme of normal hematopoiesis; and new classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues was developed.
Scientific community highly appreciated prof. D.F. Gluzman's works devoted to investigation of mechanisms of radiation-induced leukemia. The international laboratory established under the aegis of the department managed by prof. D.F. Gluzman conducted cytological and immunophenotypic study of leukemia in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident compared to forms of leukemia and cytological variations that have occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki many years after the atomic bombing (revised based on modern understanding). These data were presented at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF, Japan) in 1999 and 2000
The Department of Immunocytochemistry and Oncohematology provides practical help in establishing the diagnosis of leukemia and lymphoma in patients referred by medical institutions from Kiev and all over Ukraine. Annually, diagnostic tests using modern technology of cell biology are carried out in 1,200-1,500 patients (out of the total of 7,500 patients in Ukraine). Of particular note is help provided to children with cancer pathology. For the work entitled «Immunocytochemical Diagnosis of Leukemia and Tumors in Children of Ukraine», Prof. D.F. Gluzman and employees of his department became laureates of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC, Geneva, 2006).
- Education
D.F. Gluzman has been employed by the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, NAS of Ukraine, since 1962.
Initially, he worked as a junior research fellow at the Leukemia Laboratory, and since 1971 he was promoted to the position of Senior Researcher of the Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Leukemogenesis headed by Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Z.A. Butenko).
In 1982 he was elected to the position of the head of the Laboratory of Cytochemistry and Immunocytology of the Department of Immunocytology of Tumor Growth headed by Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.D. Pinchuk.
In 1992, he headed the Department of Immunocytochemistry.
- Organizational work
Methodological and organizational work
Prof. D.F. Gluzman made numerous presentations and reports around the world.
He created the famous school of thought for cytologists and oncohematologists.
He has supervised 4 doctoral and 14 Ph.D. theses.
Scientific and organizational work
- Member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Society of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
- Member of the Board of the Association of Hematologists and Transfusiologists of Ukraine
- Associate Member of the International Network of Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR)
- Member of the Editorial Boards of journals «Experimental Oncology», «Oncology», «Laboratory Diagnosis», and «Ukrainian Journal of Hematology and Transfusion»
- Member of the specialized scientific council D 26.155.01 in IEPOR, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Member of the specialized scientific council D 26.560.01 in the National Cancer Institute, Ukraine Health Ministry
- Grants
- Conferences
- Publications
- Дитяча онкологія: підручник / О.С. Дудніченко, Г.І. Климнюк, ... Д.Ф. Глузман; За ред. О.С. Дудніченка, Г.І. Климнюка. — Харків: Факт, 2013. — 399 с.
- Глузман Д.Ф., Скляренко Л.М., Надгорная В.А. Диагностическая онкогематология / Под ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: ДИА, 2011. — 256 с.
- Глузман Д.Ф., Скляренко Л.М., Надгорная В.А. Опухоли кроветворной и лимфоидной тканей (цитоморфология, иммуноцитохимия, алгоритмы диагностики) /Под ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: ДИА, 2008. — 200 с.
- Молекулярная диагностика опухолей: фундаментальные основы и практическое применение /С.П. Осинский, Д.Ф. Глузман, Й. Клифф, Н.А. Гизе, Г. Фрисс; Науч. ред. В.Ф. Чехун. — К.: ДИА, 2007. — 246 с.
- Иммуноцитохимическая диагностика опухолей кроветворной и лимфоидной тканей у детей /Д.Ф. Глузман, Л.М. Скляренко, В.А. Надгорная, Г.И. Климнюк; Под ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: ДИА, 2005. — 216 с.
- Диагностическая иммуноцитохимия опухолей / Д.Ф. Глузман, Л.М. Скляренко, В.А. Надгорная, И.А. Крячок; Под ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: Морион, 2003. — 155 с.
- Диагностика лейкозов. Атлас и практическое руководство / Д.Ф. Глузман, И.В. Абраменко, Л.М. Скляренко, И.А. Крячок, В.А. Надгорная; Под ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: Морион, 2000. — 224 с.
- Лабораторная диагностика онкогематологических заболеваний / Д.Ф. Глузман, И.В. Абраменко, Л.М. Скляренко, В.А. Надгорная; Под общ. ред. Д.Ф. Глузмана. — К.: Морион, 1998. — 335 с.
- Иммуноцитохимическая диагностика злокачественных экссудатов / Д.Ф. Глузман, И.В. Абраменко, Л.М. Скляренко, Г.В. Писнячевская; Отв. ред. В.Г. Пинчук. — К.: Наук. думка, 1993. — 172 с.
- Patents
- Innovations
- Awards
Prof. D.F. Gluzman was awarded the memorial prize named after R.E. Kavetsky, NAS of Ukraine. He holds the title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine.
Prof. D.F. Gluzman maintains close links with leading cancer cytological laboratories in Russia and Belarus. He dedicates a lot of time to publishing activities. He is a member of editorial boards of several professional journals.