Emiliya A. Domina

domina e aD.Sci. (Biol.), Senior Researcher

Deputy Head of the Biological Effects of Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation Department

Tel +38 (044) 259-05-93

E-mail edjomina@ukr.net

Research interests

  • Identification of individual radio sensitivity of the human body in order to identify individuals who are hypersensitive to radiation among different population groups
  • Study of the radiation-induced human genomic instability under the action of low doses of ionizing radiation
  • Development of a new strategy for primary prevention of emergence and development of malignant tumors of radiation genesis
  • Study of patterns and mechanisms of formation of co-mutagenesis in irradiated cells of healthy individuals and cancer patients
  • Radiobiological argumentation of conformal methods of therapeutic radiation of cancer patients at different stages of the disease
  • Radiation-epidemiological studies on the basis of the physical, biological (cytogenetic markers of radiation) dosimetry and health effects of exposure
  • Search and justification of radiation modifiers in order to overcome the effects of acquired radio resistance of tumor cells
  • Optimization of photodynamic therapy of superficially located radioresistant tumors


  • individual radio sensitivity of the body, radiation-induced chromosomal instability, co-mutagenesis, radiation carcinogenesis, small doses of radiation, conformal methods of radiation oncology, radiomodificators
  • 1968-1974 — Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Genetics
  • 1984 — thesis for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty «Radiobiology»
  • 2002 — thesis for the degree of doctor of biological sciences, specialty «Radiobiology» «Radiogenic cytogenetic effects in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident»

Professional experience

  • 1970-2003 — Researcher, Senior Research, Head of the laboratory of cytogenetic examination, leading researcher of the National Cancer Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine;
  • 2003-present — leading researcher of radiobiology, department of radiobiology and ecology, vice-head of the department of biological effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation at the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Ukraine

Scientific and organizational work

  • Member of the European and Ukrainian radiobiological societies
  • Member of the Ukrainian Association of Radiation Medicine and Radiation protection
  • Member of the Problem Commission on medical genetics of the Ministry of Health and NAMS of Ukraine
  • Member of the Specialized Academic Council on thesis defense of the specialty «genetics»
  • Member of the Ukrainian NI. Vavilov Society of geneticists and selectioners
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the RE. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Ukraine
  1. NATO SPS 984702 «Metal nanocrystals for highly sensitive detection of biochemical agents», 2014-2017.
  2. Grant NAS of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center (2012-2014) «Development of equipment for X-ray and ionizing micro beams by using electrostatic accelerators and research of radiation damages of cells in hadronic therapy: study of the biological efficiency of X-ray and proton micro beams» under the Program «Targeted research and development initiatives»
  1. International conference «Health effects of the Chornobyl Accident — 30 years aftermath» (18-19 April 2016, Kiev, Ukraine);
  2. XIII Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of Ukraine (26-28 May 2016 Kyiv, Ukraine);
  3. Scientific-practical conference «Minimal residual disease in solid tumors» (22-23 October 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine);
  4. IV International Medical Congress «Implementation of modern achievements of medical science in the practice of Health of Ukraine» (15-17 April 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine);
  5. VI Congress of the radiobiological association of Ukraine (5-9 October 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine);
  6. Scientific conference with international participation «Radioecology 2014» ( 23-26 April 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine);
  7. Scientific conference in the international forum «Ukraine Environment» «Radioecology 2013. Chernobyl, Fukushima. Consequences» (25-27 April 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine).

Number of publications: over 550 scientific papers, including 8 monographs; scientific discovery in the field of neutron therapy of cancer patients, 10 patents for utility models, 5 guidelines.

Selected Monographs

  1. Domina E.A., Radiogenic cancer: epidemiology and primary prevention. K.: «Scientific opinion», 2016. — 196 p.
  2. Yvankova V.S., Domina E.A. Problems of resistance of tumors in radiation oncology (clinical and radiobiological aspects). K .: Health, 2012. — 192 p.
  3. Domina E.A., Radiation- induced cytogenetic effects of somatic cells in the patients with thyroid cancer. Chapter in monograph «Cancer of thyroid gland» ed. Hrynevych UA, Chumak AA, K .: Health, 2011. — P.66-100.
  4. Domina E.A., Pylynskaya M.A., Petunyn Y.I., Klyushyn D.A., Radiation cytogenetics. K .: Health, 2009. — 368 p.

Selected Articles

  1. Domina E.A. Chromosomal abnormalities in blood lymphocytes of primary cancer patients in the post — Chernobyl period // Scientific Journal «ScienceRise: Biological Science». — 2016. — №1(1). — P.20-25.
  2. Pylypchuk O.P., Domina E.A. Regularities of the formation of соmutagenesis in irradiated human somatic cells // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. — 2015. — №8. — P.131-136.
  3. The Modifying effect of co-Mutagens on the frequency and spectrum of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human cells / E. Domina, O. Pylypchuk, V. Mikhailenko // Pharm Anal Acta. — 2015. — V.6. — №6. — P.1-6.
  4. Domina E.A. Epidemiology of radiogenic cancer // Eurasian Journal of Oncology. — 2015. — №4(04). — P.108-118.
  5. Formation of the chromosomal and microsatellite instabilities in blood cells of cancer patients under the combined exposure in vitro to ionizing radiation and co-mutagens / E.A. Domina, V.S. Ivankova, O.P. Pylypchuk et al. // Dopov. NAN Ukraine. — 2015. — №5. — Р.166-173.
  6. Domina E.A. Problematic issues of radiation treatment of cancer patients from the point of Radiobiology // ScienceRise. — 2015. — V.4. — №1 (19). — P.11-16.
  7. Domina E.A. Problem of radiogenic thyroid cancer // ScienceRise. — 2015. — V.2. — №4 (7). — P.23-30.
  8. Domina E.A. Impact of radiobiological research on the development of radiation therapy of cancer patients // Radіobіological Іnform.-analytical Bulletin. — 2015. — №1-2 (54-55). — P.80-82.
  9. Domina E.A. X-ray diagnostics and cancer risk (the view of radiobiologist) // X-ray diagnostic, X-ray therapy. — 2015. — №1. — P.59-64.
  10. Domina E.A. Medical radiography examinations and carcinogenic effects // Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. — 2014. — V.19. — P.35-47.
  11. Destabilization of human cell genome upon the combined effect of radiation and ascorbic acid / E.A. Domina, O.P. Pylypchuk, V.M. Mihaylenko // Experimental oncology. — 2014. — №4. — Р.236-240.
  12. Domina E.A., Pylypchuk E.P. The problem of radiation carcinogenesis and primary prevention of its development // Eurasian Journal of Oncology. — 2014. — №2. — P.38-47.
  13. Ivankova V.S., Domina E.A. The use of conformal radiotherapy in local common forms of cervical cancer with radiobiological support // Ukr. radiol. Journal. — 2014. — №2. — P.80-84.
  14. Domina E.A., Pуlуpchuk E.P. Modification of radiation-induced cytogenetic effects in the culture of human lymphocytes under the influence of ascorbic acid // Bulletin of Ukr. Society of genetics and selectioners. — 2014. — V.12, №1. — P.20-25.
  15. New approach to the approximation of «dose-effect» dependence during the human somatic cells irradiation / V.F. Chekhun, E.A. Domina, M.O. Dryzina et al. // Nuclear Physics and Power Engineering. — 2013. — V.14, №3. —P.299-303.
  16. Domina E.A., Chekhun V.F. Experimental validation of prevention of the development of stochastic effects of low doses of ionizing radiation based on the analysis of human lymphocytes chromosome aberrations // Experimental Oncology. — 2013. — V.35, №1. — P.65-68.
  17. Domina E.A., Pylypchuk O.P. Cytogenetic aspects of co-mutagenesis // Archive of clin. and exprt. medicine. — 2012. — V.21, №2. — P.151-153.
  18. Domіna E.A. Arguments of radiogenic cancer prevention based on cytogenetic studies // Ecological Bulletin. Minsk. — 2011. — №4 (18). — P.45-49.
  19. Chekhun V.F., Domina E.A. Modern radiobiological aspects of prevention and therapy of malignant tumors / Nuclear and Radiation Technology in Ukraine: Opportunities, current state and problems of implementation. — K .: «Priorities». — 2011. — P.248-254.
  20. Domina E.A., Barilyak A.R. Medical and Genetic Consequences of Radiation Catastrophes // Cytology and Genetics. — 2010. — V.44, №3. — P.186-193.
  1. Method for primary prevention of radiogenic cancer / Chekhun V.F., Dоminа E.A. // Ukraine patent number 67007 — 25.01.2012. — Bull., 2012. — № 2.
  2. Method for determining the frequency of spontaneous and radiation-induced genetic damage in human somatic no malignant cells / Chekhun V.F., Dоminа E.A., Demchenko О.М. // Patent for utility model number 61604 IPC (2011.01) A. 61 N 5/00 / Publish. 25.07.2011. Bull. № 14.
  1. Dоminа E.A., Mikhailenko V.М., Pуlуpchuk О.P. The method of risk assessment of combined effects of low doses of ionizing radiation and drugs with co-mutagenic properties. Information letter №202-2015 / Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. R.E. Kavetsky NAS of Ukraine. — Kyiv, 2015. — 4 p.
  2. Mikhailenko V.M., Dоminа E.A., Glavin O.A., Muzalov I.I. The method of risk assessment of combined effects of exogenous nitric oxide and low doses of ionizing radiation on the human body. Information letter. Kiev. — Ministry of Health of Ukraine. — 2013. — № 92. — 6 p.
  3. Cytogenetic method (G2-assay) of human individual radiosensitivity determining for the purpose of primary prevention of radiogenic cancer / Dоminа E.A., Ryabchenko N.M., Dryzina M.O., Chekhun V.F.: Guidelines. — Kyiv, 2007. — 28 p.
Awards, premiums
  1. Acknowledgment of the Ukrainian Radiobiology Society to Domina E. A. for high professionalism and active social position, humanity, courage, honor, resolve important issues of health and active participation in the Scientific-Practical Conference «Radioecology — 2014», 2014
  2. Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for long-term work, significant achievements in professional activities, considerable personal contribution to the science and to marks the 95th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013
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