Head of the Laboratory — Gennady V. Didenko
Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine
Tel +38 (044) 259-91-94, +38 (068) 357-17-65
E-mail gennadij_d@ukr.net
Priority areas
- Construction of antitumor vaccines. Development of test-systems for monitoring and diagnosis of cancer diseases. Search and study of drugs with antitumor activity. The study of reactions of antitumor immunity
Key words
- antitumor immunity, cancer vaccines, embryonic proteins, nanoparticles in oncology, diagnostic test system
- Research directions
The leading lines of investigation
- Development of immunotherapeutic methods for cancer patients treatment (autologous and xenogeneic anticancer vaccines) and investigation of theirs mode of action
- Elaboration of the schedule of vaccine administration combined with different immunomodulators
- Examination of vaccine efficacy in patients with cancer of different origin
- Development of recommendation in monitoring of cancer patients who undergo immunotherapy
- Development of approaches for designing xenogeneic anticancer vaccines on oncofetal antigens basis
- Experimental substantiation of diagnostic information and therapeutic efficiency of oncofetal proteins in cancer process
- Construction of tumor vaccines based on heat shock proteins and examination of their effectiveness and mechanisms of action
The additional lines of investigation
- Modeling of xenogenic systems of cells on solid phases using tumor-associated and fetal antigens, and their application in anticancer treatment
- Development of anticancer vaccine based on proteins which provide cancer cells' resistant to cytostatics
- Preclinical and clinical examination of the effectiveness of autologous and allogenic anticancer vaccines applied in ultra low doses
- Examination of information and diagnostic sensitivity of the test-system developed on a basis of xenogeneic embryonic antigens
- Evaluation of the possibility to correct paraneoplastiс syndrome, caused by the growth of highly angiogeneic tumors, with vaccinotherapy
- Grants
- Publications
- Chekhun VF, Lisovenko GS, Potebnya GP. Cancer vaccines: search for optimal choice. Kyiv: Intertechnodruk, 2013. 109 p.
- Yalkut SI, Potebnya GP. Biotherapy of tumors. Кyiv: Knyga Plus, 2010. 472 p. (In Russian).
- Potebnya GP, Bojko II. Virus carcinogenesis. In: Oncology. Selected lectures for students and doctors / Ed. by Chekhun V.F. Kyiv: Zdorov'ya Ukrainy, 2010. P. 87-102 (In Ukrainian).
- Potebnya GP, Lisovenko GS. Anticancer vaccines as the basis of biotherapy of cancer. In: Oncology. Selected lectures for students and doctors / Ed. by Chekhun V.F. Kyiv: Zdorov'ya Ukrainy, 2010. P. 613-634 (In Ukrainian).
Articles, presentations, lectures
- Boliukh IA, Didenko GV, Shpak EG, Kusmenko AP, Lisovenko GS, Potebnya GP. Experimental study of heat shock proteins in vaccinotherapy of patients with malignancies. Clin oncol 2013; 10 (2): 143-146 (In Ukrainian).
- Tanasienko OA, Potebnya GP, Olevinska ZМ, Spivak MYa. Induction of interferon synthesis caused by bacterial lectin. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2013; 1: 185-190 (In Ukrainian).
- Khranovskaya NN, Grinevich YuA, Potebnya GP, Vorobiova LI, Svintsitskiy VS, Tsip NP, Skachkova OV, Sitko VV, Lisovenko GS, Tanasienko OA, Svergun NN, Melnik VA, Gorbach AI, Nikitina VV. The influence of dendritic cell autovaccine on the basic treatment effectiveness in ovarian cancer patients. Vopr Oncol 2012; 58 (6): 781-786 (In Russian).
- Nikolaenko AN, Cheremshenko NL, Didenko GV, Lisovenko GS, Potebnya GP. Antitumor activity of preparations Erbisol's classis in vitro and in vivo. Oncology 2011; 13 (4): 289-293 (In Russian).
- Didenko GV, Sorokina LV, Shpak EuG, Golub OA, Lysenko OG, Potebnya GP, Mamalis AG. The application of fullerene C60 for the modification of an anticancer vaccine based on metabolism products of Bacillus subtilis 7025. J Biol Phys Chemistry 2011; 11: 30-35.
- Tanasienko OA, Rudyk VG, Titova GP, Pozur VV, Potebnya GP. Influence of bacterial lectin on the reaction of lymphoid organs during the tumor growth process by different treatment modes. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2010; 11: 167-172 (In Ukrainian).
- Rudyk MP, Tanasienko OA, Titova GP, Pozur VV, Potebnya GP. Influence of cytotoxic lectin Bacillus subtilis B-7025 on immune reactivity in process of tumor growth. Clinical and Experimental Pathology 2010; 2: 149-152 (In Ukrainian).
- Potebnya GP, Symchych TV, Lisovenko GS. Xenogenic cancer vaccines. Exp oncol 2010; 32 (2): 61-65.
- Potebnya GP, Lisovenko GS. Biotherapy of cancer: Achievements and perspectives. Oncology 2010; 12 (3): 237-243 (In Russian).
- Potebnya GP, Voeykova IM, Lisovenko GS, Cheremshenko NL, Todor IM, Yudina OYu, Kovtonyuk OV, Chekhun VF. Antitumor and antimetastatic activities of vaccine prepared from cisplatin-resistant Lewis lung carcinoma. Exp oncol 2009; 31 (4): 226-230.
- Bazas VM, Lukyanova NYu, Lisovenko GS, Rozumiy DO, Potebnya GP. Postoperative autovaccinotherapy for patients with gastric cancer and expression of some proteins in tumor tissue. Exp oncol 2009; 31 (3): 182-184.
- Zhilchuk VE, Vorontsova AL, Kudryavets YuY, Lisovenko GS, Potebnya GP. Efficacy of complex treatment of breast cancer patients with using of autovaccine and interferon. Вulletin of scientific researches 2009; 2: 36-38 (In Ukrainian).
- Potebnya GP, Lisovenko GS, Chekhun VF. Application of cancer vaccines of IEPOR series into clinical practice of oncological establishments of Ukraine. Science and Innovation 2009; 5 (1): 62-79 (In Ukrainian).
- Potebnya GP, Voejkova IM, Cheremshenko NL, Lisovenko GS, Trokhimenko NV, Bazas' VN, Didkivska LP, Karaman OM, Savtsova ZD. Subalin probiotic preparation increases the efficiency of cancer vaccine. Оncology 2008; 10 (2): 246-251 (In Ukrainian)
- Potebnya GP, Skivka LM, Pozur VV, Rudyk MP, Senchilo NV, Fedorchuk OG, Chranovska NM. Influence of teichic acid from S. aureus on metabolic activity of macrophages and cytotoxic activity of splenocytes of mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma. Exp oncol 2008; 30 (3): 220-223.
- Bombin AV, Lisovenko GS, Karaman OM, Potebnya GP. Antitumor autovaccine improves efficacy of treatment of malignant brain tumors. Оncology 2008; 10 (4): 455-460 (In Ukrainian).
- Potebnya GP, Lisovenko GS, Trokhimenko NV, Cheremshenko NL, Didenko GV, Reder AS, Andronati SA. Elevation of efficacy of cancer vaccine combined with interferon synthesis amixin. Exp oncol 2008; 30 (4): 319-323.
- Bombin АV, Кaraman OM, Potebnya GP. Efficacy of an antitumor vaccine and its impact on the immunological profile of patients with brain malignancies. Оncology 2008; 10 (3): 362-369 (In Ukrainian).
- Dvorshchenko О, Didenko G, Pavluchenko N, Kuzmenko O, Golub O, Radchenko E, Potebnya G. Modulation of antitumor activity of autovaccine prepared on the basis of exogenous glycoproteids of B. subtilis by nanocomposites of aerosil. Annales UMCS, Pharmacia 2008; 21 (2): 321-324.
Metodical recommendations
- The application of anti-cancer autovaccine in complex treatment of oncology patients: Methodical recommendations / V.F. Chekhun, I.B. Shchepotin, G.P. Potebnya, G.S. Lisovenko, I.I. Bojko. – Кyiv, 2008. –23 p. (In Ukrainian).
- The usage of antitumor vaccine in complex treatment of patients with malignant brain tumors: Methodical recommendations / G.P. Potebnya, A.V. Bombin, G.S. Lisovenko, I.I. Bojko. – Кyiv, 2010. – 17 p. (In Ukrainian).
- Patents
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine № 31924 (2008). Method of anticancer vaccine producing / Skivka LM, Pozur VV, Potebnya GP, Cheremshenko NL, Pozur VK. (Ukraine); 25.04.2008. Bull №8.
- Patent of Ukraine №83939 (2008). Method of complex treatment for ovarian cancer patients / Potebnya GP, Svincicky VS, Vorobjeva LI, Khranovska NM. (Ukraine); 26.08.2008. Bull №16.
- Patent of Ukraine № 88842 (2009). Method of preparation of cancer autovaccine / Chekhun VF, Cheremshenko NL, Kulik GI, Lisovenko GS, Bazas' VM, Todor IM, Potebnya GP; 25.11.2009, Bull №22.
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine № 45751 (2009). Method of treatment for stomach cancer patients / Potebnya GP, Luk'yanova NYu, Bazas' VM, Lisovenko GS, Chekhun VF. 25.11.2009. Bull №22.
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine №52252 (2010). Substance with cytotoxic action /Didenko GV, Evtushenko OI, Kuzmenko OP, Lisovenko GS, Potebnya GP. 25.08.2010, Bull №16.
- Patent of Ukraine №93275 (2011). Method enhancement of organism's anticancer resistance / Potebnya GP, Tanasienko OA, Тіtova GP, Rudyk MP, Chekhun VF. 25.01.2011, Bull №2
- Patent of Ukraine №93431 (2011). Method enhancement efficacy of cancer vaccine / Potebnya GP, Tanasienko OA, Тіtova GP, Rudyk MP, Chekhun VF. 10.02.2011, Bull №3.
- Patent of Ukraine № 95522 (2011). Method of treatment for patients with brain malignant tumors / Potebnya GP, Таnasienko OA, Bombin AV, Lisovenko GS, Коkhanivska LM, Chekhun VF. 10.08.2011, Bull № 15.
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine № 77647 (2013). Method of preparation of cancer vaccine / Potebnya GP, Didenko GV, Kuzmenko OP, Shpak EG, Lisovenko GS, Cheremshenko NL, Symchych TV, Chekhun VF. 25.02.2013, Bull №4.
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine № 78756 (2013). Method of preparation of cancer vaccine / Potebnya GP, Voyejkova IM, Yudina OYu, Fedosova NI, Karaman OM, Didenko GV, Yevstratyeva LM, Lisovenko GS, Chekhun VF. 25.03.2013, Bull №6.
- Patent for useful model of Ukraine № 83120 (2013). Method of construction of cancer vaccine / Potebnya GP, Bolyukh IA, Didenko GV, Kuzmenko OP, Shpak EG, Lisovenko GS, Chekhun VF. 27.08.2013, Bull №16.
- Innovations
In the Department the original technique of anticancer vaccine based on autologous tumor cells and Bacillus subtilis B-7025 lectins is developed.
We are investigating the ways of vaccine-producing technique optimization. In preclinical examinations, there were elaborated schedules of vaccine administration alone or combined with different immunomodulators that improve the efficacy of vaccination.
There were performed preclinical and I-III phases clinical experiments; the efficacy (higher 5-year survival and life quality) of vaccination in colorectal, lung, stomach, breast, kidney and ovarian cancer, and also malignant brain tumors patients was shown. Immunologic effects of vaccination were investigated as well. All mentioned above indicate that autologous anticancer vaccine can improve the efficacy of cancer patients' treatment.
The State Service of Medical Means and Products of Medical Purpose, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, have approved the operating practices of anticancer autologous vaccine production. The State Service acknowledged that anticancer autologous vaccine meets domestic and foreign standards of safety and is allowed for clinical use in Ukraine. On December 9, 2003, The State Service of Medical Means and Products of Medical Purpose granted certificate №411/03-300200000 on state registration of anticancer autologous vaccine.
Protein fractions from embryo tissues of different origin were extracted and purified; their immunological features were investigated. There were conducted experiments dealing with anticancer and immunomodulating properties of the extracted xenogeneic proteins. The anticancer vaccine was made from chicken embryo proteins of an early gestation period (7-th day) and proteins with molecular weights of 18.5 and 70 kDa which are produced by B. subtilis B-7025. It was shown that the anticancer vaccine can elicit anticancer immune response and statistically significantly suppresses the growth and metastases of Lewis lung carcinoma. According to the experiments, the xenogeneic anticancer vaccine is most effective after the resurgical resection of primary tumor. The results of investigations indicate that chicken embryo proteins can be used as a «universal» immunogen in making xenogeneic anticancer vaccine employed for treating cancers of different localization.
- Education
Preparation of theses for obtaining the degree «Сandidate of Sciences». Tutor - Dr. Sci., prof. Potebnya G.P.
- Didenko Gennadiy V. Scientific degree in biology, speciality 14.01.07 — «oncology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2008, theme of dissertation «The designing of antitumor vaccines on the basis of protein-containing metabolites of B. subtilis B-7025 and their effect on the separate reactions of anti-tumor immunity» (22 Okt 2008).
- Bombin Andriy S. Scientific degree in medicine, speciality 14.01.07 — «oncology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2009, theme of dissertation «Application of antitumor autovaccine prepared by means of B. subtilis B-7025 lectin in the treatment of patients with brain malignant tumors» (14 Okt 2009).
- Trokhymenko Nadiya V. Scientific degree in biology, speciality 03.00.09 — «immunology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2009, theme of dissertation «Experimental basis for practicability of combined use of antitumor vaccine with interferon of various origin (experimental studies) (20 Okt 2009).
- Bazas Volodymyr M. Scientific degree in medicine, speciality 14.01.07 — «oncology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2009, theme of dissertation «Molecular profile of gastric cancer as a basis for individualized vaccinotherapy and prognosis of disease outcome» ( 9 Dec 2009).
- Pozur Valentyna V. Scientific degree in biology, speciality 03.00.09 — «immunology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2009, theme of dissertation «The immunomodulating effects of Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan WOOD 46 under the tumor grows» (15 Dec 2009).
- Rudyk Mariya P. Scientific degree in biology, speciality 03.00.09 — «immunology»: Ph.D. degree was received in 2010, theme of dissertation «The immunomodulating effects of B. subtilis B-7025 lectin under the tumor grows» (14 Dec 2010).
Guiding of staffs training
- Symchych Tetyana V. — Third year PhD student in the Department of cancer biotherapy means construction, R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. Tutor — Dr. Sci., prof. Potebnya G.P.
- Bolyukh (Tavrovska) Іryna А. — Third year PhD student in the Department of cancer biotherapy means construction, R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. Tutor — Dr. Sci., prof. Potebnya G.P.
- Collaboration
- Examination of cancer patients' complex treatment efficacy (colorectal, lung, stomach, kidney, breast and ovarian cancer) with using of autovaccine - National Institute of Cancer of NAMS of Ukraine(Kyiv); Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine (Kyiv); Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education; Odessa Medical University; Dnepropetpovsk I.I. Metchnikoff Pegional Hospital; Volynsk Regional Hospital; Kiev City Cancer Hospital; Kharkov Regional Cancer Center, Zhitomyr Regional Cancer Center.
- Coordination of scientific research on the development of cancer vaccine modified with nanosorbents – Chair of inorganic chemistry, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Institute of surface chemistry, NAS.