Scientific Departments and Laboratories of the R.E. Kavetsky IEPOR of the NASU

The Structure of Scientific Departments and Laboratories of the R.E. Kavetsky IEPOR of the NASU approved by Order from 10/02/2016 № 08-Zag "On the optimization of the Institute Structure" and entered into force on 18.04.2016  (updated February 7, 2020)

Department of Oncohematology. Head of the Department — Gluzman Danylo F., Professor, D.Sci. (Med.)

Group of Cell Signaling Cascades. Head of the Group — Larysa M. Shlapatska, PhD (Biol.)

Department of Tumor Biochemistry and Oncopharmacology. Head of the Department — Zaletok Sofiia P., D.Sci. (Biol.)

Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Metastasis. Group of Experimental Cancer Therapeutics. Head of the Laboratory — Solianyk Halina I., Professor, D.Sci. (Physics/Mathematics)

Department of Monitoring of Tumor Process and Therapy Design. Head of the Department — Chekhun Vasyl F., Academician of the NASU, Professor, D.Sci. (Med.)

Laboratory of Mechanisms of Drug Resistance. Head of the Laboratory — Lukianova Nataliia Yu., D.Sci. (Biol.)
Laboratory of Cancer Genetics. Head of the Laboratory — Buchynska Liubov H., D.Sci. (Biol.)
Laboratory of Oncoimmunology and Antitumor Vaccine Engineering. Head of the Laboratory — Didenko Gennadii V., PhD
Лабораторія проблем метастатичного мікрооточення. Зав. лабораторії — к.б.н., с.н.с. І.І. Ганусевич
Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Cells Transformation. Head of the Laboratory — Elena Kashuba, Dr.Sci.(Biol.)

Department of Biological Effects of Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation. Deputy Head of the Department — Domina Emiliya A., D.Sci. (Biol.)

Department of Means and Methods of Sorption Therapy. Head of the Department — Nikolaiev Volodymyr H., Corresponding Member of the NASU, Professor, D.Sci. (Med.)

Department of Research Management and Innovation. Head of the Department — Piatchanina Tetiana V., PhD

Scientific Organizational Department. Head of the Department — Voeykova Iryna M., PhD

Departments and employees, additional information

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